Thanks to Mark, squid’s got a patch I’ve been wanting for a gazillion years: time-to-serve statistics that don’t include the client’s location
Normally, squid’s kept statistics that included the “time” to serve an object, whether it be a HIT, MISS, NEAR HIT, etc. The clock starts for this time when the first headers are received by the client that are validated as a legit squid request, but then doesn’t stop until the client has every last bit of the response.
What this means is that if you have servers in the US and your traffic pattern follows the NY/SF pattern (peaks from around 9am-4pm) and your overseas traffic (i.e. clients really far from your boxes) has a pattern the inverse of that, then you might see ‘time-to-serve’ in squid to be worse during your lowest traffic. Which is confusing, to say the least.
This patch changes the stopwatch to start at the same time (when squid’s received headers from the client) but stop when squid’s preparing the headers for the response. This measures ONLY the time that squid had the object in its hands, for a hit or a miss, which IMHO is a much better measure of how squid is actually performing with the hardware’s resources.
Yay! Thanks Mark.